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How to Boost Pool Chemical Performance this Swim Season

How to boost pool chemical performance

With the swim season fast approaching, it’s the time when pool owners start asking about the best ways to keep their pools in top condition. One of the key aspects of maintaining a healthy and enjoyable pool experience is ensuring the chemical balance of the water is just right. Let’s explore some tips to help boost pool chemical performance.


Maintain Routine Pool Water Testing

The first step in ensuring pool chemicals have the opportunity to do their jobs properly is to test pool water regularly. Pool owners should test the water at least once a week during peak swim season, and more frequently after heavy use or if they notice any issues. 

AquaChek®’s revolutionary testing products make water testing a breeze by eliminating the need for tedious drop counting and sample measurement. All pool owners have to do is dip a testing strip in the pool and compare it to the color chart. They get accurate results in no time. But that’s not the only option; with the Select Connect app pool owners can simplify water testing even further. This smart app takes water testing to the next level with an even more  comprehensive approach to water testing. 

Use the Right Chemicals

Once pool water has been tested and it has been determined what needs to be adjusted, it’s important to use high quality chemicals to make those adjustments. For pool owners, opting for bargain chemical options often seems like a cost-saving approach, but this usually ends up costing more money and time in the long run. 

Diluted chemicals fail to perform efficiently, leading to an overuse of chemicals, further degrading the pool water quality. In turn, this can lead to damage to the pool and even cause skin and eye irritation. It’s important to treat a pool with the right chemicals from the start to keep it in good shape, improve its lifespan, and ultimately get the desired results.

Use high quality chemicals to boost pool chemical performance

As a global leader in specialty chemicals, Solenis™ knows the importance of sustainability for the pool and spa industry and strives to create environmentally-friendly products that deliver optimal results. With a full portfolio of sanitizers, shock treatments, oxidizers, balancers, and algaecides, they bring an unparalleled level of expertise and experience to millions of households worldwide. 


Boost Pool Chemical Performance

Now that we’ve covered the basics of pool testing and chemicals, let’s discuss some strategies for boosting chemical performance in the pool.

Clean the Pool Regularly

Regular cleaning is important for boosting pool chemical performance. This not only involves skimming the surface of the water to rid it of debris but also vacuuming the pool floor and walls to eliminate dirt and algae. Brushing the walls is equally crucial, as this loosens and helps prevent algae buildup.

Keep the pool clean to boost pool chemical performanceIf there is a buildup of organic matter in the pool, it can react with the chlorine in the water, reducing its effectiveness. This leads to the growth of algae and bacteria, which further affects the chemical balance of the pool.

Regular cleaning of the pool, including skimming the surface, vacuuming the pool floor, and brushing the walls and tiles, helps to remove debris, dirt, and other contaminants. This makes it easier to maintain proper chemical levels and reduces the likelihood of algae and bacteria growth.

In addition, regular cleaning can also help to prolong the life of the pool equipment, such as filters and pumps, by reducing the strain on them. This, in turn, can improve the performance of the pool chemicals, as the equipment is better able to circulate and filter the water properly.

Maintain Proper pH Levels 

Maintaining proper pH levels is critical for boosting chemical performance in the pool. Pool owners can use pH increasers or pH decreasers to adjust the pH levels as needed. They should also monitor the total alkalinity levels, as low alkalinity can cause fluctuations in pH levels. 

If the pH level is too low, the water becomes acidic, which can lead to corrosion of pool equipment and surfaces, skin and eye irritation, and ineffective chlorine performance. On the other hand, if the pH level is too high, the water becomes too alkaline, which can cause scaling on pool surfaces, cloudy water, and ineffective chlorine performance.

When the pH level is within the recommended range, pool chemicals, especially chlorine, are more effective at killing bacteria, viruses, and other harmful contaminants in the water. In addition, proper pH levels also help to prevent the growth of algae, which when left unchecked, can quickly spread and cause a green, slimy mess in the pool.

Maintaining proper pH levels also helps to prevent the breakdown of pool chemicals. For example, if the pH level is too low, it can cause the chlorine in the water to rapidly dissipate, leaving the pool vulnerable to harmful contaminants. This can result in more frequent and expensive chemical treatments to maintain safe and clear pool water.

Balance Calcium Hardness Levels

When the calcium hardness levels are not balanced, pool water can become corrosive or scale-forming, which can negatively impact the effectiveness of pool chemicals. 

If the calcium hardness levels are too low, the pool water becomes corrosive, which can cause damage to pool surfaces and equipment. Additionally, low calcium hardness levels can cause the pool water to become too acidic, which causes chlorine to break down too quickly and leads to ineffective sanitization.

On the other hand, if the calcium hardness levels are too high, the pool water can become scale-forming, which causes buildup on pool surfaces and equipment. This also impacts the effectiveness of pool chemicals, as the buildup makes it more difficult for chemicals to penetrate the water and reach their intended targets.

By balancing the calcium hardness levels, pool owners can ensure that the pool water is neither too corrosive nor too scale-forming, which allows pool chemicals to work optimally. This means that chlorine and other sanitizers can effectively kill bacteria and other contaminants, while other chemicals, such as pH balancers, can effectively regulate the water chemistry.

Use PoolRX or PoolRX+

PoolRX™ and PoolRX+™ units are an innovative solution for reducing chlorine demand and boosting chemical performance in a swimming pool. These units use natural minerals to create a healthier swimming environment and reduce the need for harsh chemicals. The PoolRX unit lasts for up to 6 months and the PoolRX+ unit lasts for up to 12 months.

PoolRX units utilize a natural mineral-based system that creates a healthier swimming environment and reduces the need for harsh chemicals. The system consists of a mineral cartridge that is placed in a pool’s skimmer basket, which releases the minerals into the water as it circulates through the system.

One of the key benefits of using a PoolRx or PoolRx+ unit is that it helps to lower chlorine demand in the pool. A critical component of pool chemistry, chlorine kills bacteria and other harmful contaminants in the water. However, maintaining proper chlorine levels can be a challenge during peak swimming season when demand for chemicals is high. By reducing chlorine demand, PoolRx and PoolRx+ units help to make it easier to maintain proper chemical balance in the pool.

Use PoolRX to boost pool chemical performance

Another benefit of using a PoolRx or PoolRx+ unit is that it can help to improve water clarity and reduce algae growth. The minerals in the system create an environment that is hostile to algae, preventing it from growing and spreading in the pool. This means that pool owners will spend less time and money on pool maintenance, as they won’t have to deal with algae blooms or other issues that can arise from poor water quality.

PoolRx and PoolRx+ units are also an eco-friendly option for pool owners who want to reduce their environmental footprint. These units use natural minerals, rather than harsh chemicals, to maintain proper chemical balance in the pool. This means that pool owners can enjoy a clean and safe swimming environment, without exposing themselves or the environment to added chemicals.

In addition, PoolRx and PoolRx+ units are easy to install and use. As mentioned, pool owners need only place the mineral cartridge in the pool’s skimmer basket and the system will start working immediately. The PoolRx unit lasts for up to 6 months, while the PoolRx+ unit lasts for up to 12 months, meaning that pool owners don’t have to worry about replacing the cartridge frequently.

Looking for the best pool and spa products in the market? At Alpha West we take pride in representing top-quality products from the leading brands in the industry. With a team of experienced manufacturer representatives, we are committed to helping our customers succeed by providing them with the very best the pool and spa industry has to offer. 

For invaluable industry advice and cutting-edge products, contact us today at Let us help you make the most of your pool or spa business.

